Yes its me again the wandering gypsy, feeling I have to put an update on here due to the numerous people contacting through blog and website for requests to come and stay in Fes. Well folks that would be quite difficult as I sold the Mernissi House last July to an American fellow who rented it out to a S.African family for private use. As to why I sold it well that is slightly complicated and personal but the fact that there was a forthcoming credit crunch which I strangely intuitively felt in my bones was one small reason. To have all my eggs in one basket, so to speak,made me feel slightly uncomfortable. To have various homes in various countries would have seemed ideal a few years back but then again in this present time I might have been feeling the pinch...ouch.
So I have undebted myself and squirrelled my money away in what I hope is a safe haven to watch and learn what is unfolding in this weird and wonderful world of ours. Although looking at the financial and economic malaise out there I think maybe one of those adjectives could be defunct for the time being at least. At least I am ensconced in what I consider one of Spains prettiest pueblos in Vejer de la Frontera, my base for the last few months and though not immune from the crisis, what a horrible word, its a gorgeous sanctuary. As you watch the sun go down over the Atlantic on a balmy Sunday evening at Cartero beach bar, whilst inside a cool funk band chugs out the beats while some of the local girls in Carnival mode kick up their heels in full Can-Can mode, its hard not to smile and be happy. PS Jane and the Can Can girls available for hire, weddings, barmitzvahs and gigs at reasonable rates. Would cause a stir in Fes!!
So there you have it, for those worrying, fretting about our greedy little world and the unholy mess unfolding find your own little sanctuary within it, lifes too short. Gordon Gekko said greed is good and it became a mantra for the past few decades, well the chickens have come home to roost unfortunately so lets get back to basics.
Me, I'm writing a book and thinking of various ways to cook roosting chickens......badaboom ...I'll get my coat!
1 comment:
Hi Louis
Just thinking about you this morning, was about to get in touch. Funny that.
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