Thought I would drop in a picture of myself from the vaults this is when I was a chef on the yachts in the Caribbean, yes I know boring, boring but I did get to top up my tan to look even more like a Fassi ! To explain A Fassi is one who is a native of Fes and apparently I look like one until of course I open my mouth and the Norfolk accent is a big giveaway. Oh well I shall have to learn a word of arabic a day to try and fool the local vendors into giving me moroccan price.

Now look at the progress on the terrace the roof has been raised from the bedroom below and now its ready to have the laundry room built on top with a terrace. The whole terrace and surrounding walls have had the old plaster chipped away now and after laying a bitumen waterproof layer we are ready for zellige man who reliably informs me that he did the Mosque in Casablanca ( a very famous one I should know about apparently) ooops!.

Every morning I have my cafe au lait and a wasp covered croissant or pain au chocolat from my neighbour who after 3

Could do without the wasps though they are a bit crunchy.
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