Now on a lot lighter note, overheard at a table at the ever bustling Cafe Clock from a bemused customer "Two days ago I was riding a camel and now I'm eating one (between a bun) so my holiday is complete". Ahhhhh well done Mike for the fitting finale to Bart and Jessicas sojourn (they will be back, swapping a Brooklyn studio for a medina love shack no doubt).
New Lonely Planet book Fes Encounters is out now with photos by burly Doug Mc and featuring yours truly as male model so I have been told, hopefully gazing moodily into the distance, but I suspect its more likely to be a back of head shot or propping up a Volubilis pillar in the far background. Oh fame, you fickle mistress.
Well we have escaped the rigours of what was essentially a mild winter as we ease into March and I don't hear too many grumblings from the guest house owners as February panned out quite nicely. One popular and vivacious owner announced an 82% occupancy so someones doing something right. Still frustrating for all you Brits trying to get here from England but we have seen a marked increase in our American and Canadian friends from across the pond who bring with them that brightness, vivacity and ebulliency that is inherent in their nature. Always a pleasure. The major plus also is they do not talk about housey matters all day long but rather dissect the merits of Obama or living life in Brooklyn or Minneapolis so it makes a nice change huh.
Love the photo ... wish I had taken it.
Aah the ex Rabat Cat makes a welcome appearance how are your Spanish exploits, missing Morocco at all.
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